Saturday, March 21, 2009

Broadband access for more

I just watched President Obama on Tonight Show with Jay Leno yesterday, where he talked about AIG biailout and AIG Bonus. I am a little surprised to see a president on a late night talk show. The show just reminded me of an another show, where China Prime Minister Wen Jiabao had an online chat with Chinese netzens recently.

One question is how the government will help millions migrant workers who were laid-off from small manufacture factories due to the global recession. And he answered that the government will encourage migrant workers to develop their own business, and will give training and tax discount. This reminds me of an article from Keso's blog, talking about Baidu, China's most popular search engine showed profits in the agriculture sector last year and indicated the promise for further growth. He mentioned that its important for such websites go help the farmers to benefit from information technology and to mitigate the information gap between cities and rural areas. I also learned from a recent lecture that Indian government's top down E-governance project to help village entrepreneurs. Even in Obama's stimulus plan, 7 billion is allocated for broadband infrastructure when everywhere needs the money.

I personally believe it will be worth the price. At least, it is much more valuable than spending the resources on building the Great Firewall. In China, Internet could be a significant tool to solve the education and economic development gap between cities and rural areas.

Preview of Obama on Jay Leno show, and you can watch the full episode on Hulu.

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